There are various seizure types. Most seizures typically end within a few minutes. Let us identify some steps so we are able to help someone who is having a seizure.
The most important part is to stay with the person until the seizure ends and the casualty is fully awake.
Check to see if the person is wearing a medical bracelet or other emergency information.
Comfort the person and speak as calmly as possible. Do not show signs of worry or anxiety or unsureness. Be calm and check to see if other people are calm
After the seizure ends, assist the person to sit in a safe place. Once they are fully conscious, alert and able to communicate, communicate to them, what really happened in as simple terms as you can.
Offer to call a cab or another person (loved one/ close) to ensure the casualty gets home safely.
Also, knowing what NOT to do is as important to keep the casualty safe during or after a seizure.
- Do not hold the person down or try to stop his or her movements.
- Do not put anything in the person’s mouth. This can injure teeth or the jaw. A person having a seizure cannot swallow his or her tongue.
- Do not try to give mouth-to-mouth breaths (like CPR). People usually start breathing again on their own after a seizure.
- Do not offer the person water or food until he or she is fully alert.
Seizures do not usually require emergency
medical attention. Only call medical/ emergency services if one or more of these are true:
- You know that the person has never had a seizure before.
- The person has difficulty breathing or waking after the seizure is over.
- The seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes.
- The person has another repeat seizure soon after the first one.
- The person is hurt during the seizure.
- The seizure happens in water/ submerged in water.
- The person has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or is pregnant. helps you prepare for medical emergencies with the use of Medical ID tags. Be it for adults or kids, or for your favorite pet dogs and cats, these Medical ID bracelets, keychains or pet ID tags can help save valuable lives in case of an emergency.
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